Saturday, 2 May 2009

Excitement Building.

I am so looking forward to today.

Firstly I am looking forward to 12 - it is when I finish work and I can't wait.

Secondly once I am finished work David and I are heading up to the travel agents to sign our documentation for the wedding. I got a call during the week to say that all the forms had arrived 3 weeks ahead of schedule. We both have to go up and sign on the dotted line to say that we have definitely booked this wedding and it means that the wedding organiser in the Dominican Republic can get things moving to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible on the day.

Thirdly, and quite sadly most importantly, I am getting rid of my glasses today. I have been wearing glasses since the age 17 when we discovered during my driving lessons that I couldn't see very well without some assistance. I have always hated wearing my glasses, preferring to wear contact lenses. I have never suited glasses, I have one of these faces that just doesn't suit anything. I can't get away with hats, head scarfs etc. Due to financial situations outwith my control though we had to look at what we could cut back on - and one was my contact lenses. Now though we have stopped paying out money on a gym membership that we were not using so I can get my lenses back.

I am SO excited.

Have I said that once before?!? Thought so.

It also means that I can wear sunglasses on the rare occasions that we get the sun here. I never bought into the idea of prescription sunglasses, I would just rather wear contact lenses with normal sunglasses.
No more squinting for me - might sort out those early signs of crow's feet I have at the sides of my eyes too.

Enjoy the bank holiday weekend.


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