Thursday 29 October 2009

Weight Loss Update - the first in a while

It has been a while since I wrote about the journey of my weight loss but a request has come in to update you with it so here goes.
I fell off the wagon for a few weeks and was gaining weight like mad. Then I got my act together and got back into going to the gym (although not that much this week) and started paying attention to what I was eating again. I have discovered a love for Muesli with yogurt so have even managed to make myself eat breakfast which is something I would never do.
I ended up well above my start weight again which was miserable but was the point I needed to reach to get my head in the right place to do it properly.

Last week was my first weigh in since I decided to get my head into gear and I lost 1.5lbs. Not huge but was good to see the weight coming off. Yesterday was my second weigh in and I lost 3.5lbs. I was so chuffed as this weight loss meant that I am back under my start weight again. Just in time for my wedding dress coming in the next couple of weeks.

Going to be good this week and the next couple of weeks as well and maybe I will be somewhere near my target by the start of the New Year.


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