Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Diet Update and more

So this morning I went to Slimming World. It was the first time in 3 weeks that I had been there. When I jumped on the scales I wasn't at all surprised to see that I had put on weight. What surprised me to see was that it was 6lbs. I knew I was putting the weight back on but I never knew it was so much. I have started to follow the diet again straight away and have been very good. Even when I was sent down to Sunderland near Newcastle for a delivery I managed to stop at a supermarket and buy healthy food instead of my usual burger from a motorway service station. I have to be good now - I am going to be ordering my wedding dress soon (within 6 weeks) and I want to order it to fit me but also want to get it taken in when it arrives.

Also, go check out this new blog.

It is written by a friend of mine so we have to make it as popular as possible.

Enjoy your Wednesday night.



  1. Nothing like an imminent wedding dress fitting to motivate you! Thanks for the Shoeperwoman plug - am really amazed by the feedback so far!

    Congrats on getting the wedding date sorted, by the way - I can confirm that March 31st is a good day to get married :)

  2. So glad the blog is going well.

    We were worried you wouldn't want us having the same anniversary as you - the date was just perfect though for our holiday plans. You going to come over now - nice way to celebrate your anniversary?
