Sunday, 21 December 2008

Yeah, we made it. Just got another 13.5 hours to go then we are free from work. Woo Hoo. It actually hasn't been all that bad. I have managed to reduce my brain age by almost half on Brain Training and this morning I have decided to back up all my CDs onto iTunes, so that will take me forever. I have brought around 100 CDs up to the caravan where I am sitting just now, so that will keep me mildly entertained for the rest of the day. Starting off with a festive number, Now That's What I Call Xmas. Bought it the other day - I have a habit of buying Christmas CDs every year to bring on the Christmas magic whilst putting up the Christmas tree. I love it so much. This one is slightly different to all the others in that there are a few cover versions of the all time classics. Fore example "Drving Home for Christmas" was originally sung by Chris Rea, but on this CD it is sung by Michael Ball. Now I dont mind when people do cover versions, but I wish they would put the original version onto CDs like this as that is what you are wanting to buy. Of course a litle bit of variety does you good - but not at Christmas - leave the clasics to the original recording artists.

Thats all for now, might be back later if I think of anything else to say


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