Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Getting fired up again - got a new eating plan and this one is simple

How amazing has the weather been this week? I even managed to get myself a bit of colour whist working at the weekend.

Also we have been getting more active this weekend. David ordered some boxing gloves and focus mits off the Internet last week and they arrived yesterday. I think I lasted about 5 minutes before collapsing in a heap. We also got a skipping rope so hopefully we will get active and then the weight should start to drop off. We are also back on the healthy eating bandwagon. We decided to ditch the non-carb diet and the high fat diet and all the other silly stuff that people try to do. Instead we have opted for calorie counting and I have restricted the number of calories I am taking in. Instead of the usual 2000 I am on 1500 calories. I have been reading loads recently about what is a realistic, healthy amount of calories to eat and still lose weight. Also (although it is sad) I watched the documentary that Clare from the pop band Steps did about how she lost her weight for her wedding. In 6 months she managed to get from a size 16 to a size 10 - her target was to wear a size 12 wedding dress. She did it through careful diet and exercising 3 times a week - totally realistic and achievable.

I started yesterday so there may not be any time to show a result on the scales tomorrow at Slimming world but hopefully by next week there will be a big difference in my weight. The aim is to begin by losing 3 pounds a week then aiming for a stable 2 pounds off a week.

Hopefully by the time the dress arrives from the designer in January/February time I can be a fair bit smaller than I am just now.


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