Sunday, 6 September 2009

Update time ..........

Today was my first day back at the gym since Tuesday. Despite vowing to go everyday life has kind of got in the way and we haven't managed to get there as often as we had hoped but this is changing this week. I am not promising everyday but I am promising more than the 3 times we went last week.
When I was at the gym one day last week I set myself a mini target alongside the one that is to get the weight off in time for the wedding. My mini target is to run on the treadmill for 10 minutes at 8km/hr within the first 8 weeks of our membership. When I began last Sunday I could manage 1 minute at a time (yes, I really am that unfit) but today I actually managed 2 whole minutes before having to slow the treadmill down. I am trying to do this using the interval training technique so I ran for 2 minutes, walked for a minute, ran a minute, walked a minute, ran a minute etc etc etc for the first 10 minutes. After that I walked for 4 minutes then ran my last of the 15 minutes I was on the treadmill. So I walked for a total of 8 minutes and ran for 7 minutes. This is increasing and I am hoping that I will soon be able to increase my running intervals and decrease the walking ones until I am running for at least 10 minutes.

Also planned this week is to go an pay a bit more towards the holiday/wedding and hopefully more towards my wedding dress as well. That is coming sooner than expected so have to pay it off quicker than originally anticipated. When I am going to the shop to pay some more towards the dress I am going to get a note of the measurements I need to be so that my dress will fit me. Having it ordered it a bit smaller than I am at the minute I know that I need to reduce my measurements by quite a bit but don't actually know what these are meant to be. Will get the measurements then can keep a better eye on how things are going. Will add the measurements onto the weight loss meter at the side and let you know how things are developing (or should that be reducing) on a fortnightly basis.


  1. I am really pleased that you are getting yourself into the gym and running. It's never easy after a hard days work but if you can get into a routine of going to the gym on certain days at certain time you will continue to improve your running time no bother.

    You know I am routing for you and I really look forward to the day when you can come to body pump or body combat with amber and I.

    I promise that you will love it :)

  2. We definately want to come to the class with you guys. We will need to book days off work but it will be worth it.
    Definately want to work on the fitness and stamina first though.

    Thanks for the support.

  3. I started running using the exact same technique of running/walking, and I think you'll be surprised by how quickly your fitness will increase and you'll be able run. It's a great feeling when you can do even a bit more than last time :)

    And definitely come to Combat or something if you can - I get bored quite quickly on the treadmill etc but the classes hold my interest for longer, so it's easier to keep on going. Well done for keeping it up!

  4. Body pump would probably be a good one for you, no stamina needed really as you can vary the difficulty by the weight you choose to lift. You could go to it on Saturday morning at 10:15 if you couldn;t make it during the week.

    Body combat would definitely need a little more stamina as it's pretty hard going. Mind you I have seen lots of really unfit folk doing it, probably because it is pretty easy to cheat at if you are feeling puffed out. It's on, on Saturday morning too :)

    Heard you went to the gym today as well! keep it up you are doing amazing for the first week :) In fact you have probably went more in the last week than you did in the last 6 months of your membership!

  5. Terry that is definately true. We actually never used the gym at all in the last 8 months of our previous membership! Honestly what a waste of money. Think I might try the body pump on the saturday morning, although cant make it for the next couple of weeks though as we are baby sitting this week and working the following week.

    Amber I am glad that I am doing it right, got a programme made up last night and it has me doing something similar but with walking at different gradients. He said this will speed up the time it takes to get me running distances. Only to do the programme 4 times a week so will fit my running training inbetween those days.

