Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Out with the Old....
Tonight David and I are going round to a friend's house to have a bit of a party and bring in the bells.
Thought this would be a good time to look back over the last year.
I was working at a Cafe in South Queensferry.
David and I went on a winter break to Majorca with his parents
The day we came back we had a work ceilidh which was great fun.
Finally took the leap and went self-employed.
March - April:
Just worked
Got taken away to Lanzarote for a week in the sun
June - December:
Lots of work, a few night out and not enough time seeing friends.
Happy New Year and see you in 2009
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Hurry Up 2009..
Bring on the movies.
Monday, 29 December 2008
Welcome to Monday...
So, you looking forward to New Year? You setting any resolutions? I am resurrecting the ones from last year, to lose weight, finally sort out the finances and get some money put away for the upcoming wedding. The finances are almost sorted out - just got David's overdraft to pay off then the only big thing we will have to pay off will be the car finance. This means that we can definitely put money away each month for the wedding fund. The weight loss is also under control as I am beginning the Lighterlife diet again in January. I started this diet back in June but because of the financial constraints of moving into the house and everything in July we couldn't afford for me to continue then but in getting my overdraft paid off we can definitely pay for the diet again. I think that 2009 is going to be the year that everything comes together and David and I can finally sort ourselves out and prepare for the best wedding in 2010.
Roll on 2009
Sunday, 28 December 2008
It is only 4 days to 2009

Hi All
So, hows your weekend been? I have actually had a pretty hectic weekend, with working security last night. I am looking forward to Hogmany (New Year's Eve). This year David and I are going to a friend of mine for a bit of a party so it is an excuse to get dressed up again and have a wee glass of champers to bring in the bells.
The reason for this blog entry is to show you the amazing gifts that I got from my in-laws. The pictures you can see here were taken by Alan, my father-in-law when he went on a photography course and I have been meaning to get a copy of them from him so that I could get them mounted on canvas and put them up in my living room but as usual time escaped me and I never got round to it. It was a great surprise to open my Christmas present and find these. I made David put them up yesterday. I wanted them up sooner but we really didn't have the time with everyone coming over then working yesterday. Aren't they great?
Will try and get a few more blog entries in this week, before we welcome in 2009.
Have fun
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone. Sorry it is late, hope you guys had a good day. I had a great time. Christmas officially started for me on Christmas Eve when David, me, Craig (my bro) and Becky (Craig's other half) went round to my Dad's. We were only going for a couple of hours, due to all the stuff that was still to be arranged for Christmas day but once we all got together and got chatting we never noticed to clock chime 11 so were there for most of the night. It was good getting together with Dad and Miriam, something that needs to happen more often that it has been, and we ate pizza and chatted about stuff that had happened since the last time we had all seen each other. Once we got home, David and I exchanged presents. Realising that we were both adults, and no need for Santa Claus yet we decided to swap presents at night and have a long(ish) lie in the next day. I was stunned as I had already received my DS, therefore not expecting much more but I got my Jack Vettriano Calendar (he is one of my favorite artists), another game for my DS, a CD, the Dawn French autobiography and The Tales of Beedle the Bard (I love Harry Potter and have ordered 2 other books today). David also liked his presents, especially the dressing gown I got him, he has never had it off since.
So, Christmas Day was a relaxing day. Well not really. My lie in finished at 6 when I got up to put the turkey into the oven. Then we finished tidying up the downstairs before setting the table and then visiting David's parents and sister before getting back to the house 10 minutes before everyone arrived for drinks before opening presents and then starting the traditional stuffing of oneself which went on until about 10pm. We had some breaks in the day when we played with the Wii that Robert had bought my mum. Eventually everyone went home about 11.30 and we went straight to bed.
Boxing day was almost as busy as we were expecting David's parents round for dinner. Most of the day was spent tidying the house from the previous day and setting the table for the dinner - as well as cooking an amazing roast beef (even if I do say so myself). That went to plan as well and we had another great night.
So, how was you Christmas? Did you get what you expected?
Sunday, 21 December 2008
back again...
So now that is all cleared up. Writing this blog listening to the instrumental version of "Last Christmas" by Wham!, I like it - you cant look foolish for getting the lyrics wrong if there is nothing to compare it too. Counting down the hours until I get to go home to my bed. 7.5 hours and counting. Please someone come and let me away early.
Thats all for now, might be back later if I think of anything else to say
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Me again ...
I thought this might be a good time to tell you a bit more about what is going on in my life at the minute. I am currently engaged to David and am planning our wedding for August 2010. So far we have booked our venue, photographer, videographer and celebrant. As well as that I have bought the flowergirls' dresses (all 5 of them), my shoes, my jewellery (except my bracelet), the flowergirls' flowers, the bridesmaids' flowers, the mens' button holes and have found my flowers although I need to have them shipped from America. I have chosen to use silk flowers for the day, much easier, and much much cheaper than the real thing. The flowergirls' have lilac roses, the bridesmaids' have white roses and I will be carrying either purple roses or a mixture of white and purple roses. We also have one of the bridesmaids' shoes and bag and know what colour they will be dressed in so we can look for everything to match that. We have decided on a humanist wedding, as neither of us are religious but dont want the mundane, standard alternative to the religious ceremony.
In preperation for going wedding dress shopping in August I am also beginning the Lighterlife diet in January. This is a great way of loosing weight. It is completely supervised by the medical profession - you need a dosctor's consent to go onto it and are reviewed every 4 weeks whilst on the plan. It works in the same way as drug or alcohol addiction is treated in that you are completely abstinent from food for a minimum of 100 days. You are not completely starving though as you are given milkshakes, soups and their own cereal bars to live on. It is expected that you will loose on average 1 stone per month. I have already tried it back in June but because of financial reasons had to stop. I have seen the great results that my friend has had on it and she is my inspiration for getting back onto the diet again. Well that, and the fact that I lost 1 stone 9lbs in the first 4 weeks I was on the diet. I want to be slim for the wedding, but more than that I want to be slimmer so that the chances of conceiving naturally are improved as well. David and I want to start a family soon, and there is definately a better chance of conceiving if your BMI is as close to what it should be.
So you are going to hear more about what life is like on the diet, how grumpy I get in the beginning as I miss the food, but also the great resuts I am getting on the scales and how my body shape is changing so that I can go wedding dress shopping without having to have extra panels put into a dress so I can guess what it will look like before ordering my very own one.
Have a good Saturday
weekend off - never!
On the other hand it does let me get fully aquainted with my new Nintendo DS Lite. I absolutley love it. I am finally getting the hang of the brain training exercises, although my brain age actually went up by 2 years in one day instead of down but hey ho, never mind. Practice, practice, practice. I am so looking forward to getting new games for it. I want to try the Imagine Figure Skater Game, cause I used to figure skate and I want to see how easy it is to make everything look realistic (well as realistic as possible on an animated game).
I know I keep asking, but how are the Christmas preperations going. I finally remembered to pick up some prawns today, the vital ingredient in the starter of prawn cocktail! Who would have guessed that you need to remember them when buying everything else you need for the Christmas lunch. Also we managed to get a hold of the last few presents that had to be bought so everything is covered. Just hope that M&S don't run out of turkeys befre Christmas Eve when I go to collect mine. Then have to arrange when to put it in th oven so that it is all cooked and healthy, dont want people ill after my first experience of cooking the Christmas dinner from scratch.
Enjoy and speak again soon
Thursday, 18 December 2008
7 days and counting...
Now though I am starting to panic. These little computers are not cheap. I haven't exactly been frugal with David's presents, but I am not sure exactly how much I have spent. There are other presents from David as well, he had lots of carrier bags with him when I went to collect him tonight from the town centre and he says thay are for me but they will be my Christmas Day surprises. Maybe I will hit the shops on Christmas Eve, which is payday and pick up another few little things.
How is your shopping going? I am now completely finished - well apart frm the little extras I might be picking up for David on Christmas Eve. I have even done the food shopping. All I need to collect on Christmas eve is the Turkey, fresh bread, prawns and the box of chocolate biscuits from M&S.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
How long now?
Rant over now, sorry to anyone reading this from Newcastle.
Enjoy the rest of the day
Monday, 15 December 2008
10 days and counting...
Now normally at this point of the year I am completely paniced as I haven't yet started my Christmas shopping yet and not normally getting paid until the 21st of the month means that I normally have just 3 days to do all my Christmas shopping but not this year. Nope this year I am completely organised, well apart from the food shopping - and the presents for the in-laws. We know what we are buying the in-laws but we have not got the presents yet due to running out of cash this weekend because of the purchase of the Wii Fit that I bought on Thursday.
On another note, how good was this weekend? I had the best time, sleeping, eating, socialising with friends I hadn't seen for ages. My friends all met up in Edinubrgh and we swapped christmas presents, ate a really good Spaghetti Bolognese (which was meant to have been cooked by Lea, but was actually cooked by me in Lea's kitchen) and we started to watch Mamma Mia, however that was dumped when we remembered that it was the final of the X Factor. Did you see it? So we watched that then all headed home, giggly from all the chat that was had. On Sunday we stayed in bed sleeping until after lunchtime. Then it was round to the in-laws so I could put up the Christmas tree. Then everyone came round here for dinner, so it was full house for the evening which was really good.
I love weekends like that.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Finally, it is here...
Tonight is a bit of a girlie night, with Laura, Lea and I meeting at Lea's house tonight to exchange Christmas presents and have a meal and watch Mamma Mia. We have been waiting ages to see it, we were all meant to go together to see it a few months ago when it first came out in the cinema but then Lea ended up seeing it with some people with her work so it meant we ended up seeing something else and so we (being Laura and me) are still waiting to see Mamma Mia.
So, going to get moving now, got to clean house before getting ready to go out tonight so will blog later.
Friday, 12 December 2008
comfort at last.....
Over the next few blogs you are going to get to know me much more. I will be discussing all aspects of life, from being totally unhappy with my weight to working full-time for myself to going to the gym and how that is going to the diet and how that is going and also the planning of my wedding which is happening in August 2010. I am planning on using the blog like an online diary, and I hope that through the comments fields you can communicate with me and let me know what is going on in your life.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
14 Days To Go......
I was also able to get the last of David's Christmas presents in, well that was until we went to Asda tonight and he saw the DVD of the new Batman film and so I bought it for him as another part of his Christmas. He is going shopping next weekend for my presents, once I get paid. Cheeky I know, him using my wages to buy my Christmas presents but I used all of his wages to buy his presents so it is only fair.
Have you done all of your christmas shopping? What imaginative presents have you bought for your friends and family? We are going for the old, original vouchers for most of the family this year - got no working brain cells to think of exciting presents for them.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
15 Days to go.......
Well, sorry it has been a couple of days since I lasted posted a blog entry. There is no reasonable excuse, except that I have been working, and because I have worked the last 3 or is it 4 weeks without a day off it all caught up with me last night and I fell asleep at about 9pm, only to be woken up by David at 11 so I could move off the couch and go to bed – just what I waned when I was in a deep sleep.
On a seasonal related subject, how is the Christmas prep going? We have kind of come to a halt here in the preparation stakes. We have the tree up, we have the table built for Christmas dinner and some of the presents have been bought, wrapped and under the tree but drawing blanks as to what to buy for some of the other members of the family. I wish there was a free service where people could put up a gift list that you could buy presents from, like a wedding gift list. That way you know that what you are buying is what they actually want without resorting to the usual, reliable gift vouchers.
Will be back soon